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澳门赌场官网来到D.C. 酒吧!

增加诉诸司法的机会. 完善法律体系. 授权澳门赌场官网实现. These three pillars have remained the foundation of the D.C. 酒吧的 mission since its creation by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in 1972.

Today the 酒吧 st和s as the fastest-growing unified bar in the United States, providing the oversight structure needed to maintain the profession’s ethical st和ards 和 职业行为准则. Our membership is diverse with about 100,000 members in all 50 states 和 more than 80 countries. 该组织由一个 理事会,由肖恩. 他是澳门赌场官网协会第53任主席. (查看 过去的总统.) The leaders work together to achieve goals set out in the D.C. 酒吧的 战略计划.

At the core of the 酒吧的 mission is the charge to not only assist members but to protect the public; it shapes the way the organization conducts its business 和 activities.



To address the growing access to justice gap, the 酒吧的 公益中心 has developed programs that cast a wide net in meeting the legal needs of low-income District residents. People who need probate or l和lord 和 tenant help, for example, can attend the D.C. 高等法院资源中心. Small business owners 和 nonprofits can contact the 非营利组织 Legal Assistance 和 小型企业法律援助 Program. Brief advice on any civil legal matter is dispensed at the Saturday 建议 & 咨询诊所. Through these types of programs 和 with the help of attorney volunteers, the 公益中心 reaches tens of thous和s of residents each year.


Since its inception the 酒吧 has kept a fundamental commitment to protect the integrity of the profession, 创建 客户保障基金 in the same year to reimburse clients for losses caused by the dishonest conduct of D.C. 酒吧里的成员. 此外, 纪律大澳门赌场官网办公室专业责任委员会 work h和 in h和 to protect the public 和 the courts from unethical conduct by D.C. 酒吧里的成员 和 to protect members from unfounded complaints.

To provide easy access to legal ethics rules 和 opinions, the 酒吧 updates a searchable 所有意见目录 由法律道德操守委员会发出. The 酒吧 also provides guidance about the interpretation 和 application of the D.C. 职业行为准则 through its helpline.

认识到澳门赌场官网, 法官, 和 law students may struggle during their career with problems that affect their personal or professional lives, the 酒吧 also provides the free 和 confidential 澳门赌场官网援助计划 帮助解决这些问题.

澳门赌场官网/客户仲裁委员会 费用争议方案 provides an arbitration service for lawyers 和 their clients to resolve disputes about legal fees. The board has h和led more than 300 cases in the past five years.


Whether at their desks or visiting the 酒吧的 offices, D.C. 酒吧里的成员 have access to hundreds of engaging, relevant educational programs through the 酒吧的 执业管理谘询服务,它是21实质性的。 社区,并屡获殊荣 继续法律教育计划高质量的项目 对每个从业者都有用吗. Online 和 in-person courses tackle a wide range of legal topics 和 best business practices.

酒吧里的成员 also have the opportunity to develop 和 sharpen their leadership skills through the 约翰·佩顿领导学院. The Academy accepts applicants annually for its intensive three-day training program.


The 酒吧 partners with many local organizations, including the D.C. 法院, D.C. 酒吧基础, legal services providers, voluntary bars, 和 law schools, to stay in tune with the community. The 酒吧 works with these organizations to host community-wide events, 运行诊所, provide essential programs 和 services to District residents, 还有更多. These partnerships are critical to helping the 酒吧 maintain its focus on serving the public, 支持司法机构, 提高专业水平.
